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August boards highlight the changing times of Social Media & JCI

In a world where we are always connected, coming together in-person proves to be a challenge for groups across the world. As National JCI Senator, Lawrence Pitman told the PA Jaycees team, "You use to go out into the world, now the world comes to you."

His words rang truer now more than ever before. As part of the PA Jaycees event, current board member and Communication Director, Summer Anderson, did a presentation on social media and the future generations of JCI.

To assist the team in understanding how to better utilize social media for the upcoming generations, Anderson put out a short online poll to help grasp their likes and dislikes. The findings fits exactly the way the many are predicting.

While Gen X'ers and Millennials like Facebook and use it more on a regular basis, the upcoming Generation Z is pulling away from Facebook to utilize more visual platforms like Instagram and SnapChat. Findings can be found below:

However, most generations now like to receive their information visually rather than in the form of words like the Baby Boomer generation. Findings can be found below:

Aside from just reflecting on social media trends, Anderson also highlighted important phone apps that can be beneficial to Chapter communications, as well as better your visual presentation over multiple social media avenues.

For a full recap of Anderson's presentation and suggestions, just follow this link:

For all of our Chapter's social media accounts, just check out this link:

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